About Me


Senior Data Scientist - Accolite Digital
Hello everyone and welcome to my blog, AI_FOR_ALL. My name is Kiran Parte and I have been extensively working in the field of Embedded systems, Machine learning and Data science for the past couple of years. I have worked on quite a lot of projects and I have also won a National award and UNDP prototype for Disaster management award for my project, SEARCh - Semi Autonomous River Cleaning robot. I have conducted a lot of workshops and I have also worked with the MIT Media lab, India. I have also been working as a Python and Machine learning trainer. I have always loved to teach, share my ideas and thoughts with the world. This blog is a small attempt of mine to share my knowledge, whatever I have learnt in the past couple of years, with everyone.


About Me

Senior Data Scientist - Accolite Digital
Hello everyone and welcome to my blog, AI_FOR_ALL. My name is Kiran Parte and I have been extensively working in the field of Embedded systems, Machine learning and Data science for the past couple of years. I have worked on quite a lot of projects and I have also won a National award and UNDP prototype for Disaster management award for my project, SEARCh - Semi Autonomous River Cleaning robot. I have conducted a lot of workshops and I have also worked with the MIT Media lab, India. I have also been working as a Python and Machine learning trainer. I have always loved to teach, share my ideas and thoughts with the world. This blog is a small attempt of mine to share my knowledge, whatever I have learnt in the past couple of years, with everyone.

About The Blog

This blog will be mainly focused on A.I. and it's related technologies. We will be discussing Python, Machine Learning algorithms, deep learning algorithms in detail, we will also be discussing the math behind these algorithms. We will start with python basics then move on to intermediate and advanced level. We will understand algorithms and data structures in python and solve a lot of coding problems. We will also be doing a lot of hands on projects, so stay tuned !!!

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